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Lights, Lights, Lights! Ellie Goulding Announces New U.S. Tour, Releases 'Lights' Remix EP

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Lights, Lights, Lights! Ellie Goulding Announces New U.S. Tour, Releases 'Lights' Remix EP

Today is a BIG day for all U.S. Ellie Goulding fans. Not only did Ellie release a new remix EP for her single, "Lights," but she also announced her SECOND U.S. tour and released some tickets for pre-sale. AMAZING! My ticket has already been locked. Hopefully I can find someone to go with me...because I only bought one. Oopsie! Impulsive? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely.  If you missed seeing Ellie out on her last sold out tour then here's your chance!  Check out Ellie Goulding's Facebook page for special Pre-Sale ticket information, available ONLY through tomorrow, May 25th.  In addition to the tour dates listed below, Ellie Goulding will be making the rounds at some North American summer festivals, appearing at Osheaga in Montreal (July 30-31), Kanrocksas in Kansas City (August 5), Lollapalooza in Chicago (August 6th) and Outside Lands in San Francisco (August 12-14).

Ellie Goulding Lights (Bassnectar Remix) by Bassnectar

Now, for the new remixes.  "Lights" was written by co-written by Goulding and co-written and produced by Biff Stannard and Ash Howes, peaking at #49 on the Official UK Singles Chart back when it was released in March.  While it has yet to chart in the U.S., following Goulding's appearance on Saturday Night Live as musical guest, sales for her album Lights increased by 231%, re-entering the Billboard 200 at #82, and climbing to #72 {SOURCE}.   On the Digital Albums chart, Lights peaked at #15 and the single "Lights" is currently sitting at #115 on the iTunes pop singles chart.

The newly released remix EP features mixes from Bassnectar, MK Charlee, Max Gordon and Shook.  Check out the fantastic Bassnectar mix above and download the EP on iTunes HERE.  I've also re-posted the delicious Sophie Muller-directed video for "Lights" below so feast your eyes and get ready for an Ellie summer!

Tour Dates:

July 23 / Atlanta, GA / Center Stage
July 25 / Washington DC / 9:30 Club
July 26 / Philadelphia, PA / Electric Factory
July 27 / Boston, MA / House of Blues
July 29 / New York, NY / Terminal 5
August 1 / Toronto, ON / Kool Haus
August 2 / Royal Oak/Detroit, MI / Royal Oak Music Theatre
August 4 / Minneapolis, MN / Fine Line Music Cafe
August 8 / Denver, CO / Ogden Theatre
August 11 / Los Angeles, CA / The Wiltern
Check out Ellie Goulding on the web:

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